Prof. Prince Nwachukwu Ololube, Sr.
“In pursuit of excellence in Nigerian education”
Nigeria: + (234) 80 37095659
Finland: + (358) 40 3219671
Prof. Prince N. Ololube
Department of Educational Management Faculty of Education,
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education,
P. M. B.5047, Rumuolumeni,
Port Harcourt
Rivers State, Nigeria
Phone Contact:
Nigeria: + (234) 80 37095659
Finland: + (358) 40 3219671
Ph.D. Education and Teacher Education
[Focus: Management and Planning/Curriculum Studies]
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
PGD [Human Resources Management]
Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria.
M.Ed. [Educational Management and Planning]
Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
B.Sc. Ed. [Political Science]
University of Port-Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Bio Notes:
Prof. Prince Nwachukwu Ololube, is a Fellow of the Chattered Institute of Administration of Nigeria and a Lecturer in the Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D. in Education and Teacher Education with focus in Educational Management and Planning/Curriculum Studies from the University of Helsinki, Finland. In addition, he holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources Management, Masters of Education in Educational Management and Planning, and a Bachelors of Science Education in Political Science. Prof. Ololube’s research focuses on organizational culture, justice and change, school business administration/management, institutional management and leadership in higher education, ICT in higher education, education effectiveness, instructional effectiveness and quality improvement, early childhood education, and research methodologies. Wherever Prof. Ololube finds himself and have always been, he always displayed the same enthusiasm and dynamism toward inspiring and motivating his students. He challenges them to think critically and independently. Prof. Ololube enjoys teaching as much as he is motivated to do research. He has published over 70 articles in refereed journals, 8 textbooks, edited 7 books, presented at various local and international conferences and published in conference proceedings. Prof. Ololube has contributed 40 chapters to a number of books and encyclopedias. In all, Prof. Ololube has authored and/or co-authored more than one hundred and sIxty (170) publications. His professional contributions to the academic community include: Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Scientific Research in Education (IJSRE); Editor, Online Journal of Education Research (OJER); Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Economics Education and Development (IJEED). International Editorial Review Board Member: International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE); International Journal of Information and Communications Technology Education (IJICTE); Editorial Board Member: Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), Academic Editor: British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science (BJESBS), and many more. Prof. Ololube was ranked among the very best 100 of the top 800 scientists in Nigeria institutions of higher education and the best scientist in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education from October 2015—till date, according to Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, Spain: Ranking of scientists in Nigeria institutions according to Google Scholar Citations public profiles. A selection of Prof. Ololube’s publications and profile are available online at
Institutional Management and Leadership
Human Resources Management
Staff Professional Growth and Development
Leadership in Higher Education
Planning and Policy Analysis
Early Childhood Education
School Effectiveness
Teacher Effectiveness
Quality Improvement
Information Systems Management
E-education / E-learning
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education
Organizational Culture, Justice and Change
School Business Administration and Management
Institutional Management
Leadership in Higher Education
Planning and Policy Analysis
ICT in Higher Education
Education Effectiveness
Instructional Leadership
Quality Improvement
Management of Early Childhood Education
Research Methodologies.
School Plant Planning and Management
Instructional Supervision
Human Resources Management
Staff Professional Growth and Development
Instructional Methodology
Principles and Practices of Public Administration
Principles of Development Administration
Entrepreneurial Development
Services /
Prof. Prince Nwachukwu Ololube
Department of Educational Foundations and
Faculty of Education,
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education,
P. M. B.5047, Rumuolumeni,
Port Harcourt
Rivers State, Nigeria
Nigeria: + (234) 80 37095659
Finland: + (358) 40 3219671
Prof. Prince Nwachukwu Ololube, is a Fellow of the Chattered Institute of Administration of Nigeria and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations and Management, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D. in Education and Teacher Education with focus in Educational Management and Planning/Curriculum Studies from the University of Helsinki, Finland. In addition, he holds Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources Management, Masters of Education in Educational Management and Planning, and a Bachelors of Science Education in Political Science. His research focuses on school business administration/management, curriculum studies/design, early childhood education, institutional management and leadership in higher education, sociology of education, education effectiveness, instructional effectiveness and quality improvement, ICT in education, adult and non-formal education, and research methodologies. Wherever Prof. Ololube finds himself and have always been, he always displayed the same enthusiasm and dynamism toward inspiring and motivating his students. He challenges them to think critically and independently. He enjoys teaching as much as he is motivated to do research. Prof. Ololube has published over 70 articles in referred journals, 7 textbooks, 4 edited books, presented at various international conferences, and contributed chapters to a number of books and encyclopedias. In all, Ololube has authored and/or co-authored more than one hundred (170) publications. Ololube’s professional contributions to the academic community include: Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Scientific Research in Education (IJSRE); Editor, Online Journal of Education Research (OJER); Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Economics, Education and Development (IJEED); Review Board Member, International Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE); International Journal of Information and Communications Technology Education (IJICTE); Editorial Board Member Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) and more. A selection of Prof. Ololube’s publications and profile are available online at
We will not have better schools without better teachers,
but we will not have better teachers without better schools in which teachers can learn,
practice, and develop - Owens.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to
entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle.
Education is an ornament in prosperity
and a refuge in adversity - Aristotle.